Everyone loves finding a new way to earn some cash, even if it’s just a few dollars here and there to supplement income, or serve as extra daily spending money. And thanks to the mobile phone revolution we’ve seen in the past few years, there are now seemingly innumerable ways to earn an extra buck via mobile applications.
Again, for the most part, these programs and apps only offer the opportunity to make a little bit extra on the side. No one is pushing get-rich-quick schemes via the app market! But here are five cool apps and services that can earn you a bit of cash in your spare time.
1 – Viggle
The Viggle app is about the easiest way to make money you could possibly imagine, because it literally pays you for watching whatever television shows you like. Basically, you log into the app and use your phone’s mic to identify whatever you’re watching, for the sake of their tracking ratings. The U.S. News finance section notes that payments are very low (and in the form of gift cards) at about $5 per 75 hours of watching television. But low payments or not, this falls under the why not? category!
2 – EasyShift
EasyShift is an app that practices, essentially, paid crowdsourcing. The app, once you sign up, makes “shifts” available to you (usually a job such as going to a store and taking a photo of a product, checking its price, etc.). You receive direct compensation via PayPal, in the range of $2 to $20. Naturally most shifts will be on the low end of this scale, and some are not worth the time or effort. However, certain shifts are effortless, and the more you complete the more access you gain to higher-paying shifts.
3 – Field Agent
This is basically the same concept as EasyShift: a task-oriented errand supplier with payouts in the $2-$12 range (also through PayPal). One point in noting both apps is to emphasize that there are now several of these out there. With that in mind, it’s worth trying your hand at a few of them. However, Field Agent is also slightly different in that the tasks are geared more toward your specific location (and include two-hour time limits).
4 – Betfair Apps
There’s more of a risk involved in trying to earn cash through a betting app, but the Betfair Casino now offers a safe app for iOS users. It brings real money gambling right to your mobile devices. If you’re interested in gambling at all, it’s a fun way to try to earn extra cash here and there. Gamble responsibly, and you may end up paying for those morning lattes on a regular basis!
5 – GymPact
Just as Viggle is effortless for TV watchers, GymPact is an easy opportunity for people who exercise regularly. Basically, this app is a wagering tool whereby you set up a gym schedule and earn money when you stick to it, but have to pay money when you miss gym time (or go to the gym but stay fewer than 30 minutes). There’s a risk here, but for those who already follow religious exercise routines, why not earn spare cash? It’s usually around 75 cents per workout.

About Ali Gajani
Hi. I am Ali Gajani. I started Mr. Geek in early 2012 as a result of my growing enthusiasm and passion for technology. I love sharing my knowledge and helping out the community by creating useful, engaging and compelling content. If you want to write for Mr. Geek, just PM me on my Facebook profile.