Attention content publishers/marketers/creators. This one’s for you. The brainy data scientists at Vinkk have finally managed to validate a previously popular assumption of why a certain category of content does well in a specific social network.
It was widely believed that Pinterest is a heaven for fashion content. Vinkk’s study on a large dataset has proven this belief. You got it right. Backed by data! What the heck is Vinkk you might ponder. Well, Vinkk is an upcoming content discovery and analytics platform.
The target market is: anyone who writes content for the web professionally. This includes content publishers like: web bloggers, content creators, content curators, content marketers, and folks in social media.
Vinkk aims to be the first platform to help “content publishers” gain insight into how their content is performing in the wider social web ecosystem. Besides a helicopter view of their website, it allows deep drill-downs atomically, at the article level.
If you are interested, Vinkk is collecting emails for beta release. The discovery engine itself is free to use, but content analytics will have a 3 tier paid plan, suited for small, medium and large content publishers. It’s built “for content publishers by content publishers!”
Enough, now let’s get back to the study. Vinkk analysed a heck load of articles, charged up their algorithmic hamster and got the graphing software ready for visualization. This was the result, as shown below.
Facebook, overpowers all, almost, so let’s turn toggle off Facebook to get more insight. Then subsequently, let’s turn off Twitter to see what are the most popular social networks for each of the categories without the big 2 coming in the way.
Facebook Toggled Off
Facebook & Twitter toggled off
Some more insight: The reason Facebook boasts a higher cumulative share for most of the categories is to due its large user base. But consider this: if you are really looking for quality social engagement, which lasts longer and is far more targeted at your intended audience: consider other social networks.
For instance, Google+ for technology bloggers is a must. Pinterest for fashion bloggers is a premium and rich source of engagement. LinkedIn as you’d expect is for business related content. Remember, anything backed by data is a sound reason to make your content marketing decisions. Funnels are important!
If you are an avid content marketer, we highly recommend signing up for the Vinkk mailing list. Vinkk is on track to revolutionize content analytics, helping you use data driven decision making to take the guess work out of the equation. Things are just getting started. Sign up for the beta email list here.

About Ali Gajani
Hi. I am Ali Gajani. I started Mr. Geek in early 2012 as a result of my growing enthusiasm and passion for technology. I love sharing my knowledge and helping out the community by creating useful, engaging and compelling content. If you want to write for Mr. Geek, just PM me on my Facebook profile.