Get Status is a social app especially designed for happy and positive people. The premise of the idea is to use likes as a social currency. It’s the place where you can chat and make new friends, discover and share wonderful moments and and end up receiving tons of likes.
Brainchild of Denis Todirica
It all started from the curiosity of Denis Todirica to know more about the people around him. In the same time he felt that it’s hard to compliment someone if you don’t know him.
He figured out that liking somebody is the easiest possible way to send a positive vibe with minimum effort. Based on this, together with his team, they’ve built an app through which you can send likes to people around you.
I think it’s cool because the happy moments (photos) are viewable in full screen. You can easily see the difference in comparison with Facebook and Instagram.
Get STATUS has an innovative news feed algorithm that rewards the users that spend the most time in the app with more exposure. For example if a user likes 10 photos in the app he will receive 10 guaranteed views at his next uploaded photo.
The like button is big and there is no unlike button just to reinforce the idea of an positive app. If you don’t like a photo you can use the swipe action from right to left. It’s very easy to like photos because there is an auto advance function – if you like a photo it automatically goes to the next one.
If a user doesn’t have any photos you can ask him to upload one. If in the future they are planning to extend this option, you’ll be able to ask an user to upload a new photo whenever you want. Get STATUS has a piece from every major social app available right now.
For example it’s clearly more open than Facebook and Whatsapp in which you can talk only with your friends. Here you can make new friends from nearby and all around the world.
There are 3 girls for 1 boy
At this moment in the app are considerable more girls than boys. Girls enjoy Get STATUS more than Tinder and Hot or Not because “On Tinder and Hot or Not guys tend to be to pushy and they know for sure that I like them. On Get STATUS everything is more relaxed and you can freely chat with boys and girls without sexual connotation.”
If you want an app in which you can easily spread and receive positive vibes, meet interesting new people and discover photos of people around you, you should definitely download:
Get STATUS from Appstore NOW.

About Ali Gajani
Hi. I am Ali Gajani. I started Mr. Geek in early 2012 as a result of my growing enthusiasm and passion for technology. I love sharing my knowledge and helping out the community by creating useful, engaging and compelling content. If you want to write for Mr. Geek, just PM me on my Facebook profile.