If you are looking for a bed that can give you more than something to sleep on then this list of 5 hi-tech beds may give you some ideas.
The Starry Night Bed
The starry night is a brilliant technology bed made by a company called Leggett and Platt. This bed does come with a hefty price tag of $50,000; but this is not your ordinary run of the mill bed. It has a spellbinding combination of technology, making use of diagnostic tools to control and monitor body movements, control temperature and even alleviate snoring with its anti-snore design. This bed has dual control temperature of 68 to 117 degrees fahrenheit, and easily adjusts to a temperature that you feel comfortable with. The starry night also monitors your breathing patterns, and movements when you are sleeping. For those of us who like to listen to music to go to sleep to, then this is the bed for you, boasting iPod docking station, surround sound system, subwoofers and internet.
Magnetic Floating Bed
The magnetic floating bed is made by a dutch architect named Janjaap Ruijssenaars, who put in six years of long hard research to get to the final design. The bed is supported by four steel cables, and can hold up to 900 kilos, and the bed faces gravitation using magnets. There was a scale model of this floating bed presented at a millionaire fair, and is priced at 115.000 EUROS, just for the scale model, the complete model will cost you a whopping 1.2 million EUROS.
Wave Chaise Bed
I stumbled across this bed whilst I was doing my research, and was very surprised to see that it was being advertised by Dunelm on their online site, by the designer Roberta Ramme. This really is a cool bed for teenagers and is advertised in two different colours, red or black. It has multifunctional features and is ideal for small rooms. The wave chaise comes with a built in tv, a small bookcase, a music system and also a dvd. There is even a small work station positioned at the end of the bed.
The High-Can Canopy Bed
This high tech bed with canopy, will take beds to a whole new level. It is a state of the art bed and comes complete with reading lights, a PC and a wonderful state of the art sound system; you can even surf the net while relaxing in bed. There is a built in multimedia system with entertainment and games console. This can be connected up to a projector that will enable you to watch high definition movies, where a screen will slide up and down and be stored safely away at the click of a button. This bed can also be customized to your own requirements.
The MobelForm Rotating Bed
This a very romantic bed, that would look good in any woman’s bedroom, or a bachelor flat. If like me, you are looking for something different, but still like to be cosy, then this is the one for you. The MobelForm bed comes in different sizes, and colours, so can accommodate any room size. It has a built in television and stand, as well as wooden back shelves. This beautiful round bed is remote controlled, rotating you round slowly and has a great orthopedic mattress.
Written by Joe Davies: Joe Davies is a tech blogger, this post was written on behalf of Yorkshire Linen.

About Ali Gajani
Hi. I am Ali Gajani. I started Mr. Geek in early 2012 as a result of my growing enthusiasm and passion for technology. I love sharing my knowledge and helping out the community by creating useful, engaging and compelling content. If you want to write for Mr. Geek, just PM me on my Facebook profile.
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