This tutorial is born right from the Vinkk code base. I was in the same boat as you a few weeks ago, and when I didn’t find out something elegant, I decided to roll up my own solution. Well, in true Mr. Geek fashion, I am sharing with you the “Laravel 4 Pagination with Infinite Scroll using jQuery” tutorial. More
Hands on with Windows 10 Technical Preview
Windows 10 Technical Preview just arrived last night. I had work to do. Got a university license for VMWare Fusion 7 Pro and Windows 8.1 Pro. Installed the Virtual Machine Software. Added a Windows 8.1 image. Booted it up. More
Evolution of Online Gaming: 1970s and today
During the rapid growth of the Web in the late 90s, online gaming came into spotlight. With advancements in computer networking, increasing bandwidth and rapid globalization, online gaming has evolved greatly over the years. At any given instant More
Data mining 1.5 million tweets for Twitter sentiment analysis
The contents of this blog post are inherited from a short research project by Group 10 of the Information Retrieval and Data Mining module at University College London. Instead of letting it rot in my Dropbox, I decide to free the knowledge and hope someone finds it useful. More
Building a REST API using Hapi.js and MongoDB
MongoDB and Hapi.js are two powerful technologies that allow working with REST API a cinch. You may already familiar with them, but let me do a quick review on it. More
Managing Assets in Laravel 4 using Helpers and HTML Builder
Laravel 4 doesn’t have a lot of documentation on managing assets such as stylesheets or Javascript files. Laravel 3’s documentation did however, but it seems to have been omitted for the newer version somehow. Today, I’ll be showing you some neat ways to manage assets using Helper functions and HTML Builder. More
Dead simple CRUD in Laravel 4
I feel I’ve come late to the party. But they say, it’s never too late. Laravel’s community has matured and it’s safe to say the framework has brought the sexy back to PHP. Laravel is dead simple. It’s expressive, elegant, and extremely powerful at the same time. More
Setting up Laravel 4 on OS X 10.9 Mavericks
I come from the world of CodeIgniter, the ailing framework who was once the Zeus of the PHP framework arena. I have written around 20,000 lines of code in CodeIgniter, and developed a marketplace platform back in 2012. More
Breakpoint Tester and FlatUI Colors
Wassup folks. Bob here, Mr. Geek’s side-kick. I got some goodies for you today. Attention web artisans and pixel perfect designers, this blog post is for you. Over the past couple of years, Mr. Geek has collected links to tools on web design and development. I have finally persuaded him to allow me to share bits and pieces from that bookmarks folder, one by one. Here we go! More
How to open large text files (>5 GB) on a Mac ?
A month ago, I downloaded a large dataset from Twitter. The .txt file consisted of around 1.5 million tweets in JSON and weighed at 5.5 GB. I wanted to look at the structure of the JSON in order to design a parser for processing the tweets. I was then working on a Sentiment Analysis project. As I attempted to open the file in Sublime Text 2, my powerful Mac just gave up. More