Ever caught wind of the possible “budget” version of the iPhone 5? Rumors are quickly spreading around the web about the possible release of a downgraded version of the latest Apple smartphone, scaling down on some of its components while retaining the performance. More
How to find out your Retina Macbook Pro screen manufacturer?

LG and Samsung are the only screen manufacturers for the Apple Retina MacBook Pro line. It is an interesting fact to know but why would someone want to find out their screen manufacturer when it works fine?. Well, that’s where the problem comes in. More
MacBook Pro Retina Update Released – Fixes Key Issues (SMC, OSX)

Apple has released 2 key updates for its MacBook Pro Retina models this evening. The two updates and the respective bugs they fix are listed below. Anyway, get that update quickly for your MacBook Pro Retina and squash those annoying bugs. More
6 Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was unarguably the greatest presenter I’ve ever seen in my life time. In fact, he was more. He was a master visionary who just happened to be a great story teller too. More
15 inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display | Review

This is a review of the 15 inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display. UPS just delivered my Mac 7 hours ago and I have been testing it on full throttle. In a nutshell, its the best notebook I’ve ever used. More
Google Maps coming back on iOS tonight! Hurray

It has come to our knowledge, here at Mr. Geek, that Google is expected to release its Maps app for iOS on the App Store sometime tonight. As you might already know, Apple Maps has faced a massive backlash since its release a couple of months ago, causing much anger and fury for iOS users. More
The Apple iPhone 5 review

iPhone 5 was born on the 12th of September 2012, at around 11 am California time. I got to pre-order it at around 8:40 am UK time on the 14th of September 2012. I was a few minutes late and the Apple Store showed a delivery date of around October the 2nd. However, the wait was cut short when I got an email from Apple stating that my iPhone 5 had been shipped on the 21st of September More
My word on the iPhone 5

I wouldn’t say the Apple iPhone 5 is a breakthrough in phone innovation this year. But considering its better than its predecessors in a myriad of ways, I think it should do quite well in the marketplace. I am getting one anyways, because I own a crappy old 3GS since 2009. More
Apple Event Live Coverage

The big day is almost here! With just under 12 hours left, the Apple event is being touted as “the biggest in consumer electronics history”. Well, we will have to wait and find out. The event starts at 10.00 AM PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) which is 6.00 PM UK time. More