Android has had third-party keyboards for years, and Apple, as usual, is late to the party. With iOS 8 however, Tim Cook has finally got into the act and changed that. I’ll be honest, I love the keyboard on my Nexus 7. It’s a treat to type on and I am glad I can do the same on my iOS device now. More
iOS 8: Continuity in action

When Tim announced Yosemite and iOS 8, one of my favorite features was Continuity. I’ve finally mustered up the energy the write a short review of my experiences. Tldr; it’s pretty cool, I’ll tell you that. More
What’s new in Yosemite OS X 10.10 Beta 2 ?

Cook and Co. just pushed their latest beta updates for iOS 8 and Yosemite OS 10.10. I’ve updated my Yosemite and here’s a short review on what’s changed. I am only documenting the visible changes, but I’ve provided a Pastebin of the full release notes in case you’re interested. More
Hands on with OS X 10.10 Yosemite by Mr. Geek

I’ve just downloaded Apple’s OS X 10.10 Yosemite pre-release. You might ask, how did I get my hands on it? Well, as an owner of a Developer account, I have access to beta releases from Apple right from their developer portal. It costs 99 bucks a year but it’s worth it. Here’s a hands on review of Yosemite, where I shall discuss the good and the bad. More
How to disable the slow parallax iOS 7 animation? Faster iOS 7!

The iOS 7 has a lot of great features, but the parallax animation is my least favorite. Why? Well, because it makes everything so slow, at least by a 1.5 seconds. Guess what, you’re in for luck. With version 7.0.4, you can choose to disable it. I am serious. You’ll love the speed. More
Proof that the iPhone 5S will have a fingerprint scanner

Now let me keep this short. There is a folder in the iOS 7 Beta 4 developer content called the BiometricsUIKit.axbundle. Now what does that mean? It simply means, the next Apple phone, the iPhone 5S as it is expected to be called, will feature a fingerprint scanner. That’s all. More
2013 MacBook Air Review

The World Wide Developers’ Conference (WWDC) is an annual event staged by Apple which allows them to speak directly to their community of developers. Without loyal developers there would be no apps, so Apple has to make them happy! More
iOS 7 Beta: What’s inside? | Mr. Geek Exclusive

iOS 7 was released to developers at WWDC 2013, on June the 10th. Without a doubt, iOS 7 is a great leap from its predecessors in many ways. The User Interface and the User Experience combine to deliver an entirely new look-and-feel More