Equations. Don’t we all just love them. We find them in our everyday lives. We study them and use them. Now, may I request you to embark with me upon a short journey into the world of equations that rule our everyday lives. Grab a cup of coffee, this is a long 2,500 word read. More
Posts by Ali Gajani:
5 Cool Ways To Earn Money With Apps

Everyone loves finding a new way to earn some cash, even if it’s just a few dollars here and there to supplement income, or serve as extra daily spending money. And thanks to the mobile phone revolution More
How to disable the slow parallax iOS 7 animation? Faster iOS 7!

The iOS 7 has a lot of great features, but the parallax animation is my least favorite. Why? Well, because it makes everything so slow, at least by a 1.5 seconds. Guess what, you’re in for luck. With version 7.0.4, you can choose to disable it. I am serious. You’ll love the speed. More
Social Networking: A Revolution in Modern Communication

If you take out a newer edition of the Oxford Dictionary and lookup the term “Social Networking,” it’ll say: More
Real proof why Dropbox has been hacked, service completely inaccessible

Earlier today, news poured in about Anonymous hacking Dropbox. This was 3 hours ago and Dropbox wrote a note on their Twitter saying this, as shown in the embedded Tweet from their @Dropbox account. Read on to find out why they are lying. More
Spacegray: A Cool Theme For Sublime Text 2

I have stumbled upon this gorgeous theme for Sublime Text 2 and I couldn’t help it but share it with you guys. You know who you are, Sublime Text 2 lovers, fellow developers, designers, geeks et al. The theme is Spacegray and it’s free. More
Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate for Mac

Wondershare has a long history of creating world class software products for both PC and Mac. Today, we will review their flagship product, Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate for Mac, More
What is Bitcoin and Why is it a Bubble?

Simply put, Bitcoin is a virtual currency. Through Bitcoin, users are able to transfer Bitcoins anonymously by the use of a main ledger called the Blockchain. With the use of this system, users are able to move Bitcoin from one user to another and remain anonymous. More
The 5 Most Overhyped Product Releases of 2013

2013 has been a great year, thanks to a number of new devices that have been launched. We have seen breakthrough products like Intel’s Haswell Processor and Google’s Chromecast. The smartphone arena has also seen a steady stream of successes for 2013. More