I come from the world of CodeIgniter, the ailing framework who was once the Zeus of the PHP framework arena. I have written around 20,000 lines of code in CodeIgniter, and developed a marketplace platform back in 2012. More
Posts by Ali Gajani:
Breakpoint Tester and FlatUI Colors

Wassup folks. Bob here, Mr. Geek’s side-kick. I got some goodies for you today. Attention web artisans and pixel perfect designers, this blog post is for you. Over the past couple of years, Mr. Geek has collected links to tools on web design and development. I have finally persuaded him to allow me to share bits and pieces from that bookmarks folder, one by one. Here we go! More
How to open large text files (>5 GB) on a Mac ?

A month ago, I downloaded a large dataset from Twitter. The .txt file consisted of around 1.5 million tweets in JSON and weighed at 5.5 GB. I wanted to look at the structure of the JSON in order to design a parser for processing the tweets. I was then working on a Sentiment Analysis project. As I attempted to open the file in Sublime Text 2, my powerful Mac just gave up. More
12 Most Famous PhD Theses In History

I have compiled a very solid list of the 12 most famous PhD theses (plural of thesis) in history. Do realize that this list includes ‘PhD Theses’ and not books/volumes (so Principia by Newton doesn’t count). More
Graph Theory 101: Directed and Undirected Graphs

This is a very short introduction to graph theory. We will be talking about directed and undirected graphs, the formulas to find the maximum possible edges for them and the mathematical proofs that underlie the philosophy of why they work. This is my first use of LaTeX on Mr. Geek. More
Getting it Right When Choosing HR Software

People are perhaps the most important element of any business, so it’s vital to look after your employees properly. And when it comes to payroll and human resources software, it pays to choose a solution that not only meets your needs but can also grow with your organisation. More
Measuring influence in a group using social network analysis

I have decided to publish the contents of my Complex Networks and Web coursework project here on Mr. Geek. The information contained in this post might be complex to some, but I assure you that this will be a good long read. I have included lots of pictures to make sure you don’t get bored in the swathes of text. More
A few thoughts on the Whatsapp acquisition

Two days ago, we witnessed the second largest tech acquisition of all time, valued at $19.0 billion USD. Facebook acquired Whatsapp. What? A stunner, of the sorts that literally shocked the geek-o-sphere in all dimensions. Here are my thoughts about it. More