Earlier in the week, we wrote about the stunning new iOS 7 Beta 1, only available to people with Apple iOS Developer accounts at the moment. You can check out the article on iOS 7 Beta 1 here. But the question many have asked us is: “What’s the iOS 7 Beta 2 release date?”. We have an answer.
iOS 7 Beta 1 (build: 11A4372) is expected to expire on 24th June 2013, 12:00 AM GMT. This means the next release (iOS 7 Beta 2) should arrive sooner than that date. So, as a heads up for all current iOS 7 Beta 1 users, please, do not forget to update to iOS 7 Beta 2 upon release or else your iPhone can end up in recovery mode (a troublesome thing). The image at the top of this blog post shows the graph for iOS’ days in Beta. Based on this data, we can assume 24th June is the likely date for the next beta release for iOS 7.

About Ali Gajani
Hi. I am Ali Gajani. I started Mr. Geek in early 2012 as a result of my growing enthusiasm and passion for technology. I love sharing my knowledge and helping out the community by creating useful, engaging and compelling content. If you want to write for Mr. Geek, just PM me on my Facebook profile.