Top Cloud Computing Services in the Market today
1. OpenStack: It is a joint project by the people at NASA and Rackspace, which are in pursuit of providing state of the art IaaS solutions. OpenStack delivers a massive scalable cloud computing operating system. The project is open source allowing private and public organizations to utilize their virtual storage and cloud computing power.
2. VMWare: VMWare is changing the face of cloud computing by allowing virtualization infrastructures that allow developers to write code once and run it everywhere on the cloud. It is following the paradigm of ‘write once deploy anywhere’. VMWare is partnering with cloud giants to venture into hybrid platforms such as web services.
3. Heroku: Although being acquired by for 212 million, it will remain as its wholly owned subsidiary. Heroku is a PaaS solutions provider that let’s developers build applications on its platform without having to worry about managing servers, deployment or scaling.
4. This Company is the master in the cloud computing world today, providing PaaS and SaaS solutions. Instead of buying software, enterprises can access the required software on Salesforce’s cloud on subscription basis. In addition, developers can utilize Salesforce’s PaaS technology to build applications on various platforms without having to worry about managing hardware. With the advent of the Internet, Salesforce founder Marc Benioff literally changed the way software is used, by popularizing the cloud phenomenon.
5. Amazon Web Services: Amazon Web Services is a market innovator and now leader in cloud and storage technologies. As of now, customers can storage a single file that can be as large as 5TB. They call their technologies remote computing which are collections of web services that make up their cloud-computing platform. A part of Amazon Web Services is the EC2 that allows consumers to rent virtual computing power and S3, which provides a top speed cloud based Content Delivery Network.
6. Windows Azure: Azure is perhaps Microsoft’s biggest investment in the cloud-computing arena. An example of where Azure is used is, where Office applications are hosted on the cloud allowing users to create and share them via the Internet without having open their MSOffice on desktop. In addition to business tasks, Azure boasts scientific computing.
7. Google Apps Marketplace: Google Apps marketplace is perhaps the most common cloud technology that everyone has used. With Google apps, university or organizations alike do not have to set up their own mail servers, as they could instead let Google let them do it for a price. As of now, Google Apps has 200 applications and around four million users access their cloud services. In addition to mail services, Google Apps Marketplace can be used by businesses for project management, Customer Management and even accounting – all hosted by Google, which in result improves efficiency for the business without having to worry about data centers.
8. Hadoop: Hadoop is probably the most powerful open source cloud-computing platform you’ve never heard of. Hadoop, unlike other giants, is free and lets you use the Hadoop software framework to set up your own distributed computing infrastructure. The Hadoop technology has the backing of big companies like IBM and Google.
About Ali Gajani
Hi. I am Ali Gajani. I started Mr. Geek in early 2012 as a result of my growing enthusiasm and passion for technology. I love sharing my knowledge and helping out the community by creating useful, engaging and compelling content. If you want to write for Mr. Geek, just PM me on my Facebook profile.
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